Hi, my name is Leo and I am 14 years old who is currently the Manaiakalani Ambassador for Year 9. During the holidays, I will be commenting on the Summer Learning Journey but also for another project which led by Mrs. Apelu( So, I will be staying grounded while my family goes to Australia😢😢). For Social Studies, I really liked the interaction with my class to the teacher because everyone was engaged, mainly when we had the sustainability unit, our class was having fun and co-operating with each other to finish their project. I don’t know what I disliked about Social Studies because our Teacher made everyone have fun.My favorite place in Sydney because the weather is dreadful but the scenery is beautiful.
Even though it seems like the end of the year(Literally is), we are introducing ourselves since most of us have a new teacher for Social Studies(Mrs. Gordon). We are able to write a paragraph or paragraphs about us ( What we are doing over the holidays and etc...).