
Monday, 31 October 2016

Blog Commenting:

On Friday, I began commenting on Daniel's ( Link is here) blog. The entire class commented on a fellow pupils blog to display our collaboration ( by commenting).

What is SWIS?

During this term, I have been complete a Gold Care Awards before I leave school for College. I've finished my SWIS task for my Gold Attitude category.   

Albert Einstein DLO:

During the weekend, I had a interest in learning about Albert Einstein. I created a DLO ( put into two parts) about this famous German Scientist which changed the world forever. I found this information by using Wikipedia and Britannica.

Cybertsmart DLO:

Today, I'm showcasing my DLO about Pennsylvania. I used my new shortcuts and methods to make my work without using Wikipedia (Only the photos). I tried to find out about by Pennsylvania by using 3 questions. I answered the 3 questions in this DLO.

Fast Facts Collection

Today for reading, my reading group was working on a DLO about the Wright Brothers. We were using a new "System". We have 3 more texts to learn about. We have to finish all of these texts by next week.

Friday, 28 October 2016

Touch Interschool:

On Wednesday, A big group of student went to Dunkirk and participated in touch Interschool tournament . The year 7 & 8 had two team as well as the Year 5 & 6. All the teams played really great and had chemistry to score tries or work together and push back the offence. I would like to thank Mrs Caroline, Mr Ogilvie and Mr M for assisting all the teams at this day.

Dance (last week of Dance):

At Dance ( Music), the Year 8's learned about Flight from using jobs from the Airport ( Guard etc.) We could use these jobs and create a movement from the jobs. This is the last week for Dance and we will resume our Recorder Karate next week. 

Rockets Fact:


Friday, 21 October 2016

Bird Movement:

                                         MOV01310 from Bronwyn Eeles on Vimeo.

Last week ( I just want to post this today because I had fun) we were creating dance move mimicking a bird movement. We watched a video as inspiration and also photos. I loved this session because I had lots of fun.  Credit is due to Mrs Eeles for taking this Magnificent footage.

Music ( Dance) with Mrs Eeles:

                          MOV01354 from Bronwyn Eeles on Vimeo.
For Music ( I mean Dance), The LS2 Year 8's performed a  dance that was solely based off  the shape/size of a feather. My Group was first to perform and we used a Blue Jay's feather( As in: doing the shape and patterns from the feather). I credit this video to Mrs Eeles who allowed me to use this video.

Narrrative: Leap of Faith

Leap of Faith:
It was a weird feeling. Something wanted to possess my body and showcase my real potential. โ€œ Well, thatโ€™s something Ezio, Daniel or Jack would say.โ€ I proclaimed. โ€œ See iโ€™m the, what u call it the chicken of the family.โ€
โ€œJohn, Ezio, Daniel and Jack, Its time!โ€ Cecillia screamed as a echo blasted through out my neighbourhood.

โ€œ Weโ€™re coming now!โ€We all sang in unison. It was a crazy feeling, My dad was gifted the nickname, Killer bee. Why? Well, I donโ€™t know the entire story because he passed away a long time ago but from listening to  those nanas talking about him being the fastest, the most coolest and also the most Beautiful man they ever saw. I pondered about it. I wasnโ€™t the best, Ezio was the best at flapping his wing so that counts. Iโ€™m sure I ainโ€™t the fastest and the coolest, but I do know who is the most handsomest owl in our Neighbourhood (Itโ€™s ME!!!!!). My siblings and I were always fighting over who will get the large worm for dinner. Unfortunately, I never won but I was always smart to trade items to get food ( Thinking about it now, I was blessed and cursed). It was a killing addiction for me, to eat the large worm. I would do anything for it. Sorry, getting off track about whatโ€™s happening in my life. Well letโ€™s continue in the real world and not the stuff I remember.

We waited for 5 Hours! Sure, it wasnโ€™t a day nor even 10 hours, but still it felt like I was watching those Romantic Movies  that Daniel started recently watching at Movie night (We all knew that the guy will fall in love with the girl). It was such a waste of time of just utterly boredom that I wanted to just go sleep and continue tomorrow. Well I suppose it was a good time, I had seen like a bakerโ€™s dozen of some weird  creatures holding a weird object in their arms. Hopefully its can shoot out ducks or worms so I can finally eat and donโ€™t feel like I want to sleep; I think theyโ€™re trying to look for some food as well( Good or bad). They donโ€™t even seem to look at us as we just freeze like possums at headlights ( I hope I didnโ€™t say it wrong). I felt Anxious watching Ezio fly like a hawk ( Wait, doesnโ€™t hawks eat owls, *Gulp*).

โ€œDaniel, its your turn to show everyone whoโ€™s the best family in the Neighbourhood!โ€ Ezio Screamed as all the spectators laughed like clowns. Now, that I could be alone by myself. I started to cry like a baby. Everyone would laugh at me for dishonouring my heritage or family. Being a son of a Legend and you having high expectations I felt Anxious to the point I wanted to join those creatures with their ugly objects ( whatever theyโ€™re holding in the air like lunatics) and see what theyโ€™re looking for.  Ezio walked into the dark room. Proud of his accomplishments.

โ€œ John, you feeling alright, Bro?โ€ Ezio asked as he walked closer to me.

โ€œ Well for instances, I donโ€™t know how to fly and also if I screw up, I will be a known for destroying my family heritage and destroy my friendships with all of you.โ€ I replied as a big puddle of tears beginning  drip onto my body.

โ€œNo you wonโ€™t Bro, Mum told me that dad failed when he was a owlet. Everyone mocked him for a long until he stood up (I mean Metaphorically speaking) and flew like how the flash runs on those TV shows mum talks about.โ€ Ezio said while cheering me up.

30 Minutes later:

โ€œ John its your turn to fly to that tree where your mother is standing!โ€ A owl shouted. I felt so prepared because of Ezio excellent prep talk. I guess Ezio wasnโ€™t only the fastest but also seems like he is down to earth. What a generous person. *VRRRRMM*! I fly like a jet to my mother; I see a weird shape heading towards me. โ€œOh No! Someone please help me.โ€ Cecilliascreamed. All I saw was a parliament of owls flying to the scene. I felt like I wasnโ€™t going to survive. I guess I was wrong.

Read Theory:

This year LS2 have been using Read Theory as a tool to assist us and learn new words to use in our writing. I have done 261 Quizzes! I have felt really happy with myself because I have learned to use new words but also find new ways of writing. 


Yesterday and maybe today, I was working on a DLO about how to research. As in: looking for a subject but you or your friend cannot find/search. I learned this information from the recent library visit from Mrs Ogilvie ( Who is a Librarian at the Auckland National Library). I am showcasing my learning by showing how use this effective method.

The Crossover Book Review:

Last week, I read a wonderful novel called the Crossover ( Author is Kwame Alexander). The novel is filled with great description of the atmosphere and pure illustration by words. It was a fantastic book I have created a Book Review ( Even those  it counts as Care Award I don't know if I should put it down as one).

Wednesday, 19 October 2016

Maths Word Problems:

Today, my maths group was marking our answers for our questions. We work on a worksheet to finish seven questions. In this worksheet, I got 5 Correct, and 2 incorrect. I need  to improve to get better.