For the past few weeks we have been doing science in groups. After we did all the experiments we had to make a movie in our groups. We used scientific language throughout the movie and we reenacted the experiment with our own props. (We used baking soda for our own effects).
This blog is a record of my learning from Panmure Bridge Primary School through to Tamaki College.
Wednesday, 30 March 2016
Bible Studies
For 1-2 weeks, I have started working on two verses I was given ( from my dad). These Two verses were from Proverbs & Psalm. These two verses mean the same thing but in another way.
Sunday, 27 March 2016
Book Review 3
Today, I've finally finished my 5th E&I task. I finished that task by reading the book, The Fall(You know where) by Robert Muchamore. I loved this book because it template/main focus of the story. This also continued with the different paragraphs to tell the Lauren/James perspective(since there on the other side of the world).
Saturday, 26 March 2016
Book Review 2
Today, I've recently finished a book review on another book from the Cherub's series(Another one). This book is called Brigands M.C from Robert Muchamore. This is my 2nd book review today. I hope to finish this tomorrow morning.
Book Review 1
Now that where in the halfway mark of Easter Weekend. I've started working on my 5th(1st this year) E&I task. I hope to finish this task tomorrow or Monday. I started to write a book review to showcase my work & the book I read so it clearly shows when completing the task. The book I did was Divine Madness: Written by Robert Muchamore. This book is from the CHERUB's Series.
Friday, 25 March 2016
Home Learning
Today, Latham & I worked collaboratively on a DLO/Presentation about the The Grand Palace of Bangkok. Here's a fact, did you know that you are not allowed any shoes worn(WOW). I hope to work with Latham on longer project(since this week is mainly dominated by Easter).
Tuesday, 22 March 2016
Today, my group & I started working on ordering fractions. We were asked about the biggest/smallest fraction with visual picture to show what we think is the smallest fraction. This game was hard when its come down to the final stages. Here's the link if you want to play this game:
NZ flag vote
Today, LS2's were split up once again into our thinking groups. This month, New Zealanders were voting for a change. The current flag(shown on top) is going up against the challenger for the official NZ flag. My thinking group thought about the reason why & not to change the flag. During the final stages, all thinking groups voted for what they think is the best flag for New Zealand. Since choices always have a reason. So with that in mind, LS2 voted but also told why they want to/not change the flag.
Saturday, 19 March 2016
Home Learning:
Today, Aj & I were working collaboratively over the week to complete a DLO on the Friday Mosque. We completed this work
Tuesday, 15 March 2016
Author's Purpose
Last week, I started working on a DLO on a book I currently read(at the time). A week later, I finished my Author's purpose. I hope to finish more PIE over the year
Fantastic Facts:
Today, I finished working on a DLO on a question I asked about who was Niccolo Polo. Even those I wrote most of the work on my paper, I have forgot to add the other questions. I hope not to make this mistake when I retry this activity.
Word Study
Today, I finished working on a word study. I used four words & learn't the meaning of what they meant. I hope to complete more Word studies over this year.
Monday, 14 March 2016
Today, Mrs Kirkpatrick instructed us to play a maths game on rounding Decimals numbers. This game is supposed to help you learn & know about rounding decimal numbers. This game was fun & my score was 17-3. I hope to play other games with the same layout.
Galileo Galilei DLO
During the weekend, I was working on a DLO on Galileo Galilei. He was one of the major figures in the Italian Renaissance. His discoveries with his telescope is out of this world(Literally, out of this world).
Dialouge Cards
Today, Zeba & I were continuing working on Dialouge & use it in future stories. I made an conversation between the Wolf & the Three little pigs. I hope to improve my dialouge over this year.
On Friday, Zeba & I were working hard on creating a dialogue/conversation between the three little pigs & their Mother pig. I used to make the conversation.
Friday, 11 March 2016
OOBLECK Experiment
Today, my partner & I have worked hard on a DLO on the OOBLECK experiment. It was real fun but also very hard to find photos from the experiment.
Home Learning: Leaning Tower of Pisa
Over the span of this week, Paige & I were working on a collaborative DLO on the Leaning Tower of Pisa.
Tech:Week 6
This week at Tech. My Year 8 group was working on a task which was meant for representation of your culture. I had to use images to show a part of my culture in my perspective.
P.S:Sorry for Image, should be shown tomorrow or late at night.
P.S:Sorry for Image, should be shown tomorrow or late at night.
Thursday, 10 March 2016
Exemplar Writing:
...Three weeks earlier, Jack had been walking to the shop with a group of his friends. As they passed the old railway bridge, they spotted what looked like a bundle of clothes next to a rusty old dustbin. Jack stared at the rags intently, until, to his surprise he saw a pair of eyes blinking back at him. He hurried on, to catch up with his friends.
"Hurry up Jack!" One of Jack's friend screamed. Jack didn't care, he had been staring at the old rusty dustbin.His friends stopped."What do we have here?" They wondered. Joe(Jack's only real friend) motioned his hand to the back of his dark tracks pants."Joe, don't do it!" Jack shouted as he sprinted towards Joe. "Smash!" The poor old man's blood drowns the bright yellow t-shirt."Oh no, what did you?" Jack yelled. Jack stared at the pool of blood. He was in shock as his friends belted off. Joe & Jack froze. "What do we do?" Joe question urgently.
"I don't know!" Jack screamed with adrenaline rushing through his veins.
This Exemplar writing is mean't to show the pace & mood of the story going forward.It also is to help me practice keeping the flow if you have a strong orientation.
Key Evaluation:
Today, I have finished working on a DLO on two flags(1 is a coat of arm). I used my smart researching skills to find out the meaning of the NZ Naval Flag & the Coats of Auckland. It was real fun trying discover the meaning of the two flags.
Wednesday, 9 March 2016
Dr Suess:
Today, I have decided to finish off my last DLO about the 3 Inspirational Quotes DLO. It was real fun complete all 3 DLO/Log line about the 3 chosen figures.
Tuesday, 8 March 2016
Current Events
Today, I have finished working on my first Current Events activity in a long time. I found this article by the New York Times website. It was a really terrible news about unfortunate death of Raymond Tomlinson(The creator of the @ logo).
Monday, 7 March 2016
Anna Eleanor Roosevelt DLO
Even after 2 days after completing the original task of the 3 Inspirational Quotes. I thought up the idea to complete a whole sub-DLO. I'm have done 2 out of the 3 which I personally want to finish. This would take a long & hard process to make sure all DLO's are finished & up to standards.
Mahatma Gandhi
Today, I have finished working on DLO focused on Mahatma Gandhi. This Digital Learning Object was based off the 3 Inspirational Quotes. This will be my 2nd subpage of this year.
Sunday, 6 March 2016
What I learnt this week
This morning, I have completed my first task for the different type of Home Learning this year. I hope to consistently complete task every week.
P.S: Sorry for the size
P.S: Sorry for the size
Saturday, 5 March 2016
Valerie Adams(CARE)
This Morning, I have worked on task where you have research a New Zealander and see if he have shown Excellence & Innovation their life. It was really fun to work on Valerie Adams, who have had a comeback from her injury in 2014. I have completed my 4th Excellence & Innovation task over two years.
Aretha Franklin(CARE)
Today, I have worked hard on researching on Aretha Franklin's Respect song from 1967. I learn't about the song's topic in the 60's. This post would be my 3rd post from the Respect Catergory. I hope to complete two more task to complete the respect badge.
3 Inspirational Quotes(CARE)
This night, I have completed a DLO about 3 Quotes which inspires people. I chose three figures and used their quotes, but also defined the main message. This is my 1st Excellence & Innovation Task(two last year) completed this year. I hope to complete every task this term.
CARE Values:
This week, LS2 restarted a more fun way of working. This year we restarted using the CARE Awards. Today I have finished working on my 3rd Respect Task(over the span of two years) & hopefully get back into the flow of completing 2-3 task a week.
Friday, 4 March 2016
How to cook Terotero
Created with Padlet
Over this week, my group were reading about how to cook Terotero. This the procedure you need you get through to cook Terotero(intestines)
Group 1: Baking Soda & Vinegar

Yesterday, group 1 were using baking soda & vinegar to create CO2 by mixing the two elements and turning into a short-lasting flow of bubbles. This was very easy in the way of the steps.
Group 1: How to be a Scientist
Over the span of 3 days, we were trying 3 different activity but yesterday we were working on how to be a scientist. What we learned was very fun & not boring(of course). We hope to try this next week.
Mona Lisa
This week we learn't about rare artifacts, which are not a relic. The Mona Lisa was painted by Leonardo Di ser Piero Da Vinci from 1504-1517. During this process Leo met many great artists & people. This would talk about the location and everything else.
Thursday, 3 March 2016
Leadership Qualities
During this week, my partner(John) & I were learning about the founding father of Colored right in North America. He stole the spotlight with his heart.
Wednesday, 2 March 2016
This week, Group 1 was working on oobleck. We were trying to figure out if oobleck is a solid & liquid. We learn't about Newtonian Liquid(pressure & non). This was a very fun process
Problem Solving Week 5
This week, my partner(Sebastian) & I created a DLO on our recent problem. We worked collaborative to finish this DLO.
Tuesday, 1 March 2016
Original: The boy threw the rock with anger at the police officer in the middle of the concert, because he was very offended of the way the officer blocking his view.
DRAFT: The boy threw the rock at the security guard in the middle of concert, because he was very offended of the way guard blocking his view.
Today, Cj & I were working hard on fixing our group sentences by using DRAFT. It was very easy to fix other people sentences and even adding words for their new sentence.
DRAFT: The boy threw the rock at the security guard in the middle of concert, because he was very offended of the way guard blocking his view.
Today, Cj & I were working hard on fixing our group sentences by using DRAFT. It was very easy to fix other people sentences and even adding words for their new sentence.
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