In this week alone, LS2 have spent 3 afternoons doing an exercise(called TRUST) to trust another person(Girl/Boy). The year 8 were the first group to do one of the tasks. The next day, LS2 with Mrs Kirkpatrick completed the hardest task or objective to do. trust each with making seat for each other. Year 7 followed in Thursday by completing the blind test. Overall, this was a fun three days and hope to have a retry in the later terms.
This blog is a record of my learning from Panmure Bridge Primary School through to Tamaki College.
Friday, 26 February 2016
Tidy Kiwi
Today, Cyrus & I were lucky enough to present the Tidy Kiwi award. We were confident & spoke clearly to the students in the far end. This experience was fun and hopefully get the chance do again.
Tech this week
Today at tech, year 8 were having fun with their individual topics and created some cool stuff. My group & I were research what is a Lei? It was some real fun. We hope to finish most of our art at the end of Term 1.
Decimal Solving

Today, I have finished a game on Decimals. It was really fun but gets more confusing in the ending levels. It was really hilarious when I got my answers wrong.
Here is the Link if you want to play:Decimal Maths
Home Learning Week 4
As this week is in last 3 days, my partner & I have work hard on completing the Taj Mahal Task this week. We casually the hard task instead of the super. This was a lot fun but also arguments about something not needed.
Decimal Problem Solving
Today, Sebastian & I created a collaborative maths DLO on a question. This was really easy but very
confusing since the question were pretty hard at first glance
Thursday, 25 February 2016
Today, I have finished a DLO on California. It was fun working on this DLO, and I hope in the near future to complete more DLO by my choice
Tuesday, 23 February 2016
Constantinople's Topkapi Palace
Hello, this is my DLO on Topkapi Palace(Museum). I have split the 4 w's into question about the Palace. Here's a fun fact, Topkapi Palace was built at the peak(vantage point of Constantinople) which from one room you can see the Galata Tower, Golden Horn & the Grand Bazaar scattered around Constantinople.
Friday, 19 February 2016
Week 3 was the beggining of many topics(or activity), this was technology. Today the Year 8 & I were split into two individual groups to work on Art & 3D Printing. My group was working with Mrs Telefoni for Art. This activity was easy and fun for all of us.
Kaleidoscope Artwork
It will sound surprising but where already at the end of week 3 and already completed an artwork.This is called Kaleidoscope, this is where each side is symmetrical both sides. I've depicted the color into a hot & cool color to make it look more bright & bold.
Panmure, Auckland, New Zealand
Home Learning:
For week 3, LS2 had to pair up with each other and create a collaborative work which would show a picture depicting what that picture show. It was very hard task when completing the almighty super challenge.
Tuesday, 16 February 2016
To my Term 4 self
Dear Pote[ME] of term 4
Hello future-self, both of us know that we practiced the requirement for stage 7, we also know how to answer quick on Sumdog & Xtramaths.You & I know that we have practice maths with ours parents for maths.We both don’t usually particapate in inter-school competitions. One thing we obviously would get fit. Another basic rule we would already have is P.E gear. For sports such as Rugby, we would require teamwork & sportsmanship. One of our main goals this year is getting Dux, it’s one of the hardest awards to get for prizegiving. We have been waiting for a long time to get Dux we would need to know the requirements for the next level. If we become Dux, we would need to stay focused. One thing we do need is to work with integrity.
From your Term 1 self, Pote.
Sunday, 14 February 2016
My Valentines Day Experience:
Now usually Valentines day is the time where friendships or other stuff are created, but sometimes it's times where you celebrate with your family( for no reason at all). So since it's was a rare great Auckland day, my family & I spent the majority of the day around Auckland starting from the Lone Star in Manakau's outskirts. We spent valuable time trying to fill our stomach to its limit. As we were about head home and crash off to sleep, before my mother is alerted about heading to her cousin ( who is in a hospice) who is told to be dying from cancer( and only had a year which was 2 years ago). Sila which is her name was told about having breast cancer but was rechecked and was shown it grew through her whole spine. It was very sad timing to day which was meant to have fun end on a sad note.
Friday, 12 February 2016
LS2 Favourite Shoe Brand
For Our very first LS2 collaborative math task, we had to survey the whole of the LS2 students. from this data, It clearly shows Nike is the winner.Hopefully Nike & other brands are liked fairly.
Stretch Sentences
For my first task with Mrs Anderson(Writing). I had to learn to stretch sentences for my upcoming test. We used ideas which we came up with.
For our very first maths practice on basic facts,My results showed that I'm very rusty with my basic facts. It was very easy but I think It's because the way I usually rush my work.
Thursday, 4 February 2016
TRUMP Poster
For my first day, I & 4 others were put into a group where we would work on task where we define TRUMP by showing what a letter looks like. After this task was finished, I felt like this task was mean't for you to collaborate with new people.
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